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  • 27 mai, 2015

    “We completed the bulk of the order at about the time planned, and feedback from Statoil has been positive. Everything is perfect, and it looks as though this has been a successful project,” says Colin Mather, commercial manager at Wasco Energy and Statoil’s contact for the Polarled project.  11:43 on 17 April saw the coating […]
  • 27 mai, 2015

      This picture shows what a new deepwater quay would look like, along with its location. The area selected provides an opportunity for large back zones. There is a direct link with the industrial park via the heavy haulage route. The site is close to both the E6 and NSB.   “If we are to […]
  • 22 mars, 2015

    Grotnes Steel signed a major order for the delivery of clamp connectors worth in the region of NOK 14 million in February. This corresponds to a quarter of the company’s total annual turnover.
  • 22 mars, 2015

    Rana Industriterminal has seen intense activity since the beginning of November 2014 right up until the end of February this year. Twice the normal cargo volume was brought ashore at Rana Industriterminal (RIT) at the end of 2014.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    Celsa Armeringsstål AS is building a hot charging system for the rolling mill. This will result in considerable energy recovery, no less than 30 GWh a year. By way of comparison, this is more than the production of the Vika and Svabo power plants – the two mini power plants linked to the waterworks at […]
  • 9 februar, 2015

    – This is a unique deposit of rubies and pink sapphires, and the world’s biggest, richest deposit in solid rock, as far as we know. These are the words of Magnus Kibsgård, Head of Finance at Rana Gruber AS.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    – Establishment of the new air gas factory at Mo Industrial Park has gone very well in terms of time, technical considerations and other factors, says Jostein Thomassen, Head of Sales and Marketing at AGA Norge AS.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    – One of the major advantages of having a big group is that we can share expertise among our plants, says Jostein Thomassen, Director of Sales and Marketing at AGA Norge AS.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    – It was very useful to meet key people in Rana and Rana industry and to find out about their experiences with restructuring, says Christin Kristoffersen, local chairman at Svalbard.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    – The situation in our industry is now very serious and demands a high level of cost-effectiveness. Rana Gruber AS is actually doing fairly well compared with many of our competitors, says CEO Kjell Sletsjøe, Managing at Rana Gruber AS.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    Rana Gruber AS has entered into a five-year contract to supply Tata Steel with a minimum of six million tonnes of iron fines over five years. This will help to provide a firm foundation for operations for the next few years. – Tata Steel is a customer we have supplied to previously, and the volume for the previous contract has now increased considerably, says Kjell Sletsjøe, Managing Director of Rana Gruber AS.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    – Research and development will help the EU to emerge from its crisis, and innovation is the engine that will make this happen. This is why the EU is now focusing strongly on its new programme, Horizon 2020, says Marianne Bahr Simonsen, project manager at NHO Nordland.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    Rana Gruber: The nomination is as good as the silver medal for our technology relating to operations and stability in underground mines.
  • 9 februar, 2015

    The legendary Bruce Dickinson, vocalist of the rock band Iron Maiden, gave a very inspiring lecture in the Momek hall beneath the Smelting Plant.
  • 19 desember, 2014

    – The water industry is two and a half times bigger than the oil industry. Water is forever. We drink the same water that the dinosaurs drank. These were the words of Sverre Hanssen, an international innovator and entrepreneur from Norway.
  • 29 oktober, 2014

    Mo Industripark AS used ONS in Stavanger in August to present MIP Cluster.
  • 27 oktober, 2014

    “Oil and Gas Cluster Helgeland have done a brilliant job when it comes to devising a solid programme for the event. And Petro Arctic are doing a great job for the supplier environment in the region.”
  • 18 oktober, 2014

    “Being able to promote our issues in such arenas, at both the conference and informal meetings, has been extremely valuable,” says Ulriksen.
  • 11 oktober, 2014

    – Som autoriserte leger står vi på lister som ligger ute på internett. Det betyr at personell som skal ut på offshoreoppdrag kan få sin godkjenning hos oss, forteller bedriftslege Petra Reckert ved Helse & Sikkerhet SA. Begge bedriftslegene ved Helse & Sikkerhet SA er nå autoriserte for godkjenning av personell til offshore, både til plattformer og skip.
  • 26 september, 2014

    On Friday November 14 the festival «Smelteverket» starts, with a twist and with international star Bruce Dickinson as the first speaker. It is the third consecutive year that «Smelteverket  arranged in Mo Industrial Park. This year innovation, creating joy and industry is high on the agenda. The conference will be followed by a dinner and concerts throughout the evening. Momek […]