Tag Archive: Mo i Rana

  • 26 februar, 2016

    – If we can make it through 2016 in one piece, then we will be on safer grounds, says Kjell Sletjsøe, Managing Director at Rana Gruber A/S.
  • 26 februar, 2016

    When some of the best cyclists in the world are cycling in spectacular surroundings in Helgeland, there are many millions of TV viewers watching.
  • 16 desember, 2015

    If we are to achieve credibility both nationally and internationally as a world-leading industrial cluster in the field of energy efficiency and the environment, we also have to have the trust of the people local to us. These are two sides of the same coin.
  • 16 desember, 2015

    Fridtjof Wangsvik, the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s regional director in Nordland, was in Mo i Rana recently in order to familiarise himself with the port and industry. He saw a presentation of the deepwater quay project during his visit.
  • 16 desember, 2015

    When Reidar Lillejord sits at the wheel of the new street sweeper belonging to Anleggs-Service AS, he is BATman in the battle against floating dust. This technology is the best available on the market. Best Available Technology. Or BAT, as the professionals call it.
  • 16 desember, 2015

    New asphalt has been laid on several kilometres of roadway at the industrial park since 2007. Asphalting, sowing and planting. These are just some of the measures taken by Mo Industripark AS (MIP AS) in order to battle the problem of floating dust.
  • 27 mai, 2015

    “The measures we put in place have surpassed our expectations, and at the moment production is going extremely well,” says CEO Kjell Sletsjøe of Rana Gruber AS. The company has managed to halve its costs between March 2014 and March 2015. “I am really proud of our staff because they have managed to achieve this,” […]
  • 22 mars, 2015

    Significant uncertainty attaches to the 2015 outlook for several of the companies with a tougher climate for competition, weakened framework conditions and falls in investment in the oil and gas industry.