Lars Bruland Høyen, Inkubator Helgeland AS.

From oil rigs to a land-based industry

26 februar, 2016 13:20 Del Del Del

Lars Bruland Høyen has only got a few days from when starting a new job to the start-up meeting for MIP Cluster. Then is it useful to have been in the deep before.

It is 17 years since the Båsmo boy Lars Bruland Høyen left Rana. When he now returns it is with a wife and kid, an engineering degree from NTNU and with experience from the oil company Aibel and from Telenor.

The background with Aibel, which constructs oil rigs, and the IT and an economist with Telenor gives Bruland Høyen a stable platform to stand on in his capacity as a business developer with Inkubator

Helgeland AS and the project manager for MIP Cluster.

– The experience from Aibel gives me an industrial background which will come in handy, says Bruland Høyen who is looking forward taking on the job.,

– I love the Rana region and look optimistically at the possibilities before us, says Lars Bruland Høyen who was so sure of moving back home again, that that decision was made before he had found a job.

– My wife is from Oslo and when she suggested moving north, we just had to do it. And then getting an offer of a very exciting job with Inkubator Helgeland fitted perfectly, says Lars Bruland Høyen.


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